Universal food chopper 2
Universal food chopper 2

universal food chopper 2

Top off the whiskey or gin cocktail of your choice with a lemon or orange peel thanks to your vegetable peeler.

universal food chopper 2

Add some simple syrup that you made without reducing your liquid volume thanks to topping your pot off with a universal lid. Use that same squirt bottle to add a bit of citrus to cocktails whose ingredients you measured with graduated measuring beakers or measuring cups. Splash it with lemon from a convenient squeeze bottle that you quickly filled thanks to a time-saving citrus squeezer. Meanwhile, you can use a barbecue brush to lather your salmon with butter as it cooks on the grill. You’ll need a whisk to incorporate all the ingredients before placing in a double broiler atop a pot of heated water to gently cook the sauce.

universal food chopper 2

Then, for your sauce, you can use measuring spoons or a convenient digital kitchen scale to measure out the right amount of butter. While the salmon is sitting out and coming up to temperature, you’ll need a peeler and a kitchen knife to get your potatoes ready.


To start, you’re going to want to crack some peppercorns in a mortar and pestle to season your salmon along with salt. Let’s say you’re cooking grilled salmon doused with a bernaise sauce and served with a side of roasted potatoes. Here’s a fun example to showcase just how a variety of cooking utensils and kitchen accessories could come into play for just one meal. Creative cooking starts with simple cooking tools From universal lids to double broiler inserts, steamers and pressure cookers, you’ll find ways to make everyday cooking steps more of a breeze. When you have to put a lid on it or put your sauces in hot water for a few moments, call upon smart cooking accessories that are here to make your life in the kitchen easier. Be exact in your quantities of flour, sugar and milk with durable stainless steel measuring cups and spoons as well as lightweight kitchen scales before using mixing bowls with convenient features to help make baking prep easier. The IKEA kitchen utensil range is here to help with any move you need to make at your stove or kitchen island.Ĭall upon the right mixing and measuring tools when it’s time to bake a birthday cake for your little ones or a pie for the holidays.

universal food chopper 2

And always be ready to cool things down with ice trays and popsicle molds. Need to stir things up? Keep the sauce from sticking and the stew from burning with spoons and find all the other utensils you need to flip, turn or grab something from hot pans or the grill-or get them all at once with kitchen utensil sets. From food prep, to refining sauces, stirring stews, measuring ingredients and putting a lid on steamy pots, you’ll find all the kitchen tools to make great meals and scrumptious desserts.įind durable and convenient kitchen items such as mortars and pestles, mandolins, and cheese graters for dinner prep, as well as colanders and strainers to help you drain pasta water and refine sauces. Essential kitchen accessories and cooking utensilsīe prepared to take any request from the kids or to use up extra ingredients in fun, exciting new ways by having all the kitchen accessories and baking utensils on hand that any home chef could need.

Universal food chopper 2